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Small Business Blog Australia

Welcome to Off The Hook Bookkeeping: Australia’s #1 Virtual Bookkeeping Service for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs. Our Small Business Blog is here to get you ‘off the hook', improve cashflow and automate workflow.

• If you would like to see all of our Blog Posts on one page, please click on this Blog Map link.


Hey, I’m Amy Hooke,

CEO & Founder of Off The Hook Bookkeeping

You need smart people in your corner. You need a bookkeeper who knows about business growth, understands the business as a whole and can keep you on track financially.

After 20+ years in business and bookkeeping, I know my stuff. And as the owner of multiple successful businesses, I understand the reality of running a growing business.

Want to chat about this? Book a Free consult.

We hope you enjoyed our Business Blog. Over to you….

We really enjoy blogging, as we find it useful to share information about things so that you the reader gets a new perspective on what we have to say.
Running a small business isn't easy, and that is why we share these articles on our Bookkeeping Business Blog.

Feel free to comment on our articles if you found them useful, or wanted to clarify what points we have made.

Thank you for your time.

Have a wonderful day!

Amy & Will Hooke



• Amy is also the founder of The Savvy Bookkeeper ~ so if you are a Bookkeeper who needs help with Sales, Marketing, Website, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Business Logo and more, please get in touch.

• If you are interested in engaging with our Bookkeeping services ~ please click here to get in contact.

Learn more about our 4 Step Process for Getting Your Bookkeeping Sorted